Make it SMART

CookSMARTmd is a program led by Claudia Venable, your kitchen guide. With Claudia by your side, you will learn to love your kitchen again!

  • Understand the importance of cooking at home.


  • Learn how to use the Mediterranean diet principles daily.


  • Learn how to decrease your body’s inflammation by understanding the anti-inflammatory approach to eating.


  • Understand the importance of eating the rainbow in food selection.


  • Learn how to make your dishes tasty.

S - Start at Home


There is no better way to start taking control of your nutrition than starting to cook at home. First and foremost, it gives YOU the opportunity to take charge of the ingredients you are putting into yours, and your families’, bodies. While it is about nutrition, this is not the only benefit, taking time to be involved with cooking, choosing food that is healthy and tasty and spending quality time with your family, is another big plus.

M - Mediterranean Diet


Through the years, the Mediterranean Diet has been chosen as the best kind of diet for your health. One out of 3 Americans have high blood pressure, the pandemic has uncovered health issues that we did not full understand until now. But focus will be on eating a well rounded healthy diet: balanced and nutritious.

A - Anti-inflammatory


We will discuss the importance of a healthy immune system, and learn about how to build an anti-inflammatory diet instead of relying on pharmaceuticals. For example, onions are one of my favorite foods and are in the group of foods called allum. This amazing onion is one of the most important foods for anti-inflammation and for me, starting most meals with an onion cooking in a skillet, not only smells delicious but with stirfried with peppers, cilantro, red potatoes can be the perfect way to start.

R - Rainbow Foods


We will talk about the benefits of eating the rainbow which includes the oranges, reds, greens, and blue colors that we have available every season of the year. These powerful colorful vegetables contain huge health benefits. Generally low calorie and filling, I recommend always having a rainbow of sweet peppers always on hand.

T - Tasty


Cooking at home brings the opportunity to try different tastes. I love the thought of everyone having an herb garden within reach. Cooking with the tastes of the season is truly delightful. We will talk through what you need to have your own herb garden and what to do with the various herbs. I promise you will be happier with food in the future and will have more joy in the kitchen.

Let’s Talk!

If you are interested in starting a conversation about food, health, recipes, nutrition, or just have questions about Cook Smart MD, please fill out the form below and Claudia will be in touch with you shortly!